Teachers are the Secret Sauce to Personalized Learning Success, and Alumni are the Spice

Achieving personalized learning success depends largely on classroom teachers. They are the secret sauce, and the lead implementers, they need buy-in on their approach, process, and content to fully integrate personalization with their own teaching style and philosophy. When it comes to technology in the classroom, teacher experience can vary significantly.. 

Meaningful alumni engagement can spice up the secret sauce and ease some of the technology burdens. 

In many areas of the modern economy, innovation has come from reimaging existing resources to meet consumer need. Uber has reimagined personal cars as cabs, Airbnb has reinvented spare bedrooms as hotels, food trucks have become fine-dining, and almonds have become a source of milk. In every case, existing resources-- once overlooked and ignored--were reimagined and mobilized to achieve new and better outcomes.

Read more about how teachers are the secret to personalized learning success. 

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